
Welcome to MT/DK Together. A group of MT/DK BLM employees is starting a chapter of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). AFGE is the largest federal employee union. Come here for the latest news.


Can I join an existing Union?
To our knowledge, there is not a current union chapter in Montana/Dakotas that BLM employees can join. That is why we are starting one.

Who are you starting with to be in the union chapter?
We are starting small. The first group we organized was the Division of Resources and Planning of the Montana/Dakotas BLM State Office. That is done and in review (see Progress Bar to the right). Once we get a chapter, we can expand its membership. How will we expand? See below.

My BLM Monatana/Dakotas colleagues are interested in union representation. What should we do?
It all starts with signing the Interest Form. Fill out the form, print it for a wet signature, then digitize (scan or take a photo), return here and upload it. We will help you organize your group and your Interest Forms and help get you organized! Faster is better so get the word out to everyone interested across Montana/Dakotas!

What is the process for union representation?
We need to gather enough evidence of interest in union representation from employees in an identified group. We will help you determine what your group. For example it might be a Division, a Field Office, the entire State. It ALL starts with the Interest Forms above. At least 30% of employees in the group must return forms, but more is better. Then we submit that to AFGE for review. They submit that to the Federal Labor Relations Authority which lets us know if the group as identified is correct. Then there is a vote among the group. If a majority of voters approve, the chapter is established or joined.

Will my supervisors know that I signed an Interest Form?
Only if you tell them. We keep a tight hold on Interest Forms we receive, and will only forward them to AFGE when we have gathered enough to move forward. You are protected by law from reprisals or retaliation.

I want to be kept up-to-date on what is going on; what can I do?
Sign up below for our email list. Submitting an Interest Form does not automatically add you to the email list, so sign up below as well.

I have another question.
Email any questions to Admin@mtdktogether.com


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